New Delhi [India], August 4 (ANI): Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, on Wednesday, took a stroll down memory lane and shared some throwback pictures in which he appreciated music composers and brothers Salim-Sulaiman for their music in 'Krrish,' 'Krrish 3,' 'Kites' and Kaabil.
Mumbai, (Maharashtra) [India], May 1 (ANI): Bollywood actor, Anushka Sharma is all set to celebrate her 34th birthday today. In 2008, she made her major Bollywood debut in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, playing alongside Shah Rukh Khan and proving to be a huge hit.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], December 12 (ANI): As Bollywood star Anushka Sharma's debut movie 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi' clocked 13 years on Sunday, the actor shared a short video, calling it an "extraordinary love story."