Realme, the Chinese tech giant is all set to host its event today in India. The company will launch the Narzo 50 Series, Realme Band 2 and Smart TV Neo during the event. The launch event will begin today at 12:30 pm IST and will be live-streamed by Realme India’s official YouTube and other social […]
Realme GT Neo 2 smartphone has been launched as a new gaming device in the home country. The smartphone will be made available for purchase in China from September 27, 2021. Customers purchasing the device on the first day will get a discount of CNY 100 (approximately Rs 1,100). It will be made available for sale […]
Realme, the Chinese tech giant will officially host a virtual event on September 24, 2021. During the event, the company will launch the Narzo 50 Series, Smart TV Neo and Realme Band 2. The company has teased the upcoming Narzo Series on the official Twitter handle revealing its key specifications. In addition to this, Realme […]