Realme India has officially launched the Realme Pad Mini tablet in India with prices starting at Rs 10,999. Alongside the Android tablet, the Chinese technology giant also introduced Realme Buds Q2s and Realme GT Neo 3 5G during the launch event that happened earlier today. It is a toned-down version of the Realme Pad that […]
Realme India is all set to launch the Realme GT Neo 3 gaming phone in the Indian market today. The launch event is scheduled to commence at 12:30 pm IST, and it will be streamed live through Realme’s official YouTube channel and social media accounts. Apart from the smartphone, the company will also be launching […]
Realme India is all set to launch the Realme 9 4G smartphone in the country tomorrow. The Chinese smartphone brand will announce prices for the handset at 12:30 pm IST. Apart from the Realme 9 4G, the brand will also be introducing a host of new products like the Realme GT 2 Pro and Realme […]
Realme C31 smartphone will be available for sale today in India. The handset was launched in the country last week, and today, it will be made available via Flipkart and Customers purchasing the Realme C31 handset will get a Rs 1,000 instant discount on SBI Bank credit, debit cards, 5 percent cashback on Flipkart […]
Realme, the Chinese tech giant, has officially launched the Pad Mini tablet in the Philippines. Realme’s latest offering is a compact model, which includes a Unisoc processor and supports 4G connectivity. It gets a new slim design, dual speakers and will be offered in two colours – blue and grey. The device is now available […]