Realme has launched the V25 smartphone today in the home country. The latest offering is introduced as the successor to the Realme V15 5G, which was launched last year. The device is the brand’s first phone with a photochromic back panel. It will be available for purchase in China from March 4, 2022. Realme Narzo 50 […]
The Chinese smartphone brand Realme will launch a new smartphone under its popular V-series, the V25 for the home market. The brand has dropped the first teaser of the phone on Weibo, confirming its launch date for the China market. The Realme V25 will go official in China on March 3, 2022. The teaser also […]
Realme, the Chinese phone maker, has teased the V25 in the home market. The company’s CMO Chase Xu teased the launch of the V25 phone online on Tuesday. Not many details have been revealed in the teaser. The device seems to be a successor to the Realme V15 5G, which was introduced last year. Realme 9 […]