Redmi India has officially launched the 10A smartphone in the country. The handset will go on sale on April 26, 2022, via the Xiaomi India website and other retail stores. The device has been introduced as the successor to the Redmi 9A, which was launched in the country last year. Redmi Note 11 Pro & Redmi […]
Redmi 10A budget smartphone will go official in the Indian market tomorrow. The Chinese technology giant is now ready to bring the affordable device to India after introducing it in the home market last month. Ahead of its India launch, a micro-site is already live on the Amazon India website giving us a quick glimpse […]
Redmi India will launch a new budget-oriented Redmi 10A smartphone in the country on April 20, 2022. The Chinese smartphone brand has confirmed the same and a micro-site has gone live on Amazon. It’s worth noting that the affordable handset was introduced in the home market earlier last month. Xiaomi Assures Full Co-Operation With ED on […]
शाओमी आए दिन यूजर्स के लिए नए-नए स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च करता है। कंपनी ने स्मार्टफोन रेडमी के तहत कई स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च करती रहती है। हाल ही में कंपनी ने दो स्मार्टफोन से पर्दा उठाया है। कंपनी ने रेडमी के50 और रेडमी के50 प्रो लॉन्च किए हैं। अगर आप एक शानदार फीचर्स वाला और अपने बजट में […]
Redmi India has officially launched the Redmi 10 smartphone today in India. The handset will go on sale on March 24 through Flipkart, and select offline retail stores at 12 noon. It will be offered in midnight black, pacific blue and Caribbean green. Customers purchasing the handset will get a Rs 1,000 instant discount […]
Xiaomi’s sub-brand Redmi will officially launch the Redmi 10 smartphone today in India. The device was launched in the global market last year. The launch event will commence at 12 noon and will be streamed live via Redmi India’s official YouTube channel. Users can also watch the live telecast of the event here by clicking […]
Xiaomi will officially launch Redmi 10 smartphone in the Indian market tomorrow. The company recently had introduced two new smartphones under its Redmi Note 11 series in the country. The Chinese phone brand is all geared up to expand its product portfolio by launching the Redmi 10. It’s worth noting that the company had launched the […]
Redmi K50 Series is scheduled to debut in China next week. The company will host a launch event on March 17, where it will launch Redmi K50, Redmi K50 Pro and Redmi K50 Pro+ models. Ahead of the launch, both Redmi K50 Pro and K50 Pro+ have been listed on the Geekbench website, revealing their […]
Redmi 10 India launch is set for March 17, 2022. The company has teased the device on its official Twitter account, revealing its launch date. Redmi has also set up a dedicated microsite on the Xiaomi India website, revealing its several key specifications. The Redmi 10 India variant is said to be different from the […]