At the 2022 MTV EMA on Sunday night, BTS took home the top prize. The Bangtan brothers won the Biggest Fans Award for the fifth year in a row. The event was held in Düsseldorf, Germany, and Taika Waititi and Rita Ora served as the hosts. The K-pop boyband was also up for Best K-Pop, […]
Washington [US], August 10 (ANI): 'Thor: Love and Thunder' filmmaker Taika Waititi and Rita Ora have taken their relationship to the next level about a year after the two first sparked romance rumours.
Washington [US], April 2 (ANI): Just a month after making their red carpet debut as a couple, actor Andrew Garfield and his girlfriend-model Alyssa Miller have reportedly broken up.
Washington [US], February 11 (ANI): Disney Plus has put the TV spinoff of 'Beauty and the Beast' on hold amid delays with creative elements and scheduling challenges with its cast.
Washington [US], February 8 (ANI): Singer Rita Ora is taking her talents to Disney Plus. Ora has joined the cast of Disney Plus' upcoming 'Beauty and The Beast' prequel series.
Washington [US], September 16 (ANI): Singer and songwriter Ed Sheeran recently revealed his feelings about awards shows, days after the VMAs and compared American and British award shows, saying the former had an 'uncomfortable atmosphere' with people wanting others to fail.
Washington [US], August 19 (ANI): Singer and songwriter Rita Ora recently helped her boyfriend, Taika Waititi ring in on his 46th birthday with a star-studded party.