Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria \
4 min read

Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria

Scientists suggested how an organic molecule affects bacteria that are resistant to drugs and have found that it can suppress and destroy a pathogen that can cause significant disease or, in some circumstances, death.
05-Nov-2022 Health
Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria \
4 min read

Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria

Scientists suggested how an organic molecule affects bacteria that are resistant to drugs and have found that it can suppress and destroy a pathogen that can cause significant disease or, in some circumstances, death.
05-Nov-2022 Health
Researchers find effects of organic compound on drug resistance bacteria \
4 min read

Researchers find effects of organic compound on drug resistance bacteria

Recently, researchers have found that the germ and several other clinically significant bacteria, including as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae, were susceptible to the bacterial killing action of hydroquinine, an organic chemical found in the bark of some trees.
31-Oct-2022 Science
Study reveals how naturally occurring compound kills major drug resistant bacteria \
4 min read

Study reveals how naturally occurring compound kills major drug resistant bacteria

Scientists analysing the effects of an organic compound on drug resistance bacteria have discovered how it can inhibit and kill a germ that causes serious illness or in some cases death.
29-Oct-2022 Science
Researchers find tree compound that has potential to kill drug-resistant bacteria \
3 min read

Researchers find tree compound that has potential to kill drug-resistant bacteria

Washington [US], September 1 (ANI): During a recent study, researchers found a naturally occurring compound, known as hydroquinine, has bacterial killing activity against several microorganisms.
01-Sep-2022 Science