'O Antava' actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu dropped a BTS video of the preparation for the film 'Yashoda'. Samantha went all out for her action avatar. The action style in Yashoda has a mix of varied forms.
On the success of her movie 'Yashoda', Samantha Ruth Prabhu received a jalebi treat from her gym trainer on Saturday. Samantha played a surrogate mother in Yashoda.
Recently south sensation Samantha Ruth Prabhu opened up about being diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called 'myositis', she posted the update on her medical condition on Instagram, which led to an outpouring of support for her. To know more about the autoimmune condition... read more.
New Delhi [India], August 24 (ANI): Supreme Court on Monday rejected the petition filed by the sitting Karnataka MLA R Akhanda Srinivas Murthy and upheld the bail order pronounced by the Karnataka High Court in February this year to the former mayor of Bengaluru Sampath Raj for his alleged involvement in the East Bengaluru riots and violence case.