Jammu Feb 21 PTI The Jammu University has registered 1700 delegates for a week-long event Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate which begins from Tuesday and will display Indias scientific heritage and prowess officials saidIt is a matter of great honour for the university of Jammu that it has been chosen as the nodal institution of the Jammu province for organising the Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate - festival of scope for all under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav said Vice-Chancellor Manoj K Dhar saidHe told reporters that the festival is being celebrated at 75 locations of the country with the main programme in DelhiScience and technology organisations of the country are committed to ensure that the benefits of science and technology and innovations reach the masses and help the society in circumventing various problems he saidOver 1700 delegates have already been registered on the university portal for this week-long event and a sizable number of students have also given their preference for participation in theme-based competitions as identified by the Vigyan Prasar Dhar saidIn that direction Vigyan Prasar Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor is organising a week-long pan- India programme called Vigyan Sarvatre PujyateCiting the Covid pandemic and vaccines Dhar said that we India were able to produce vaccines in the shortest possible time It is also the event to chalk out the future course of action with regard to scientific research and highlight the targets which India is setting for itself for the next 25 years he saidThe four major themes of the event are Milestones of Modern Indian Science and Technology Swadeshi Paramparik Inventions and Innovations Science and Technology for next 25 years and Competitions for all under SCoPE PTI AB ANB ANB
Pune Nov 18 PTI The Corps of Engineers or Sappers as they are commonly known celebrated the 241st Corps Day at Southern Command Headquarters in Pune on Thursday Lt Gen J S Nain Army Commander Southern Command conveyed his compliments to the Sapper fraternity and expressed confidence that the Corps of Engineers would rise to meet future challenges in all dimensions thus upholding its motto Sarvatra in the truest sense Indian Sappers have a long history dating back to the mid-18th century The Corps officially recognises its birth as 1780 when the senior-most group the Madras Sappers was raised The Bengal and Bombay Sappers were subsequently formed and these groups were later merged on November 18 1932 to form the Corps of Engineers Sappers have provided succour to the civil population in recent times playing their part in flood relief in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh and in Op NAMASTE launched to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic by creating and maintaining essential medical and sustenance facilities a Defence release stated PTI SPK ARU ARU