Panaji Sep 17 PTI The BJP on Friday attacked Goa Congress chief Girish Chodankar for claiming that the state governments announcement of 100 per cent first dose coverage of eligible beneficiaries was false as he and his family were yet to get inoculated because they had certain doubts His statement made at a press conference on Thursday led to Chief Minister Pramod Sawant advising him to shun negativity about the vaccination process and help in efforts to tackle the pandemic The world has accepted COVID-19 vaccines and there cannot be any doubt on them He must be told we cannot fight the coronavirus pandemic with this kind of negative mentality towards vaccination He should not play politics on this issue Sawant said on Friday PTI RPS BNM BNM BNM
Indore Sep 17 PTI The number of dengue cases in Indore in Madhya Pradesh reached 225 for the year including one death after 22 people were detected with the ailment on Friday an official said Of the 22 five are children and eight are women District Malaria Officer Dr Daulat Patel said There has been a regular rise in dengue cases here and the state government has undertaken a campaign to curb its spread officials said PTI HWP MAS BNM BNM