New Delhi Jan 28 PTI The Delhi Polices Special Cell has arrested three members of the Gogi gang from the national capitals Gautam Nagar area officials said on FridayThe accused have been identified as Amit alias Commander 32 a resident of Narela Sunny 30 a resident of Shahpur Jat village and Amit 21 a resident of Sonipat in Haryana they saidPolice received a tip-off on the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday and conducted a raid in Gautam Nagar from where the three armed accused were nabbed Deputy Commissioner of Police Special Cell Rajiv Ranjan Singh saidThree pistols with eight live rounds were recovered from their possession along with a Baleno the police saidCommander has been associated with different gangs for the past many years and supplied illegal arms to them in Delhi-NCR they said PTI NIT DIV DIV