Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.
Gujarat: Popular Folk singer Urvashi Radadiya recently shared a video of her performance during which she was showered with a bucketful of cash. In the Instagram reel, the singer is performing on a stage already strewn with currency notes. As she continues singing with other musicians, a man comes from behind and unloads a steel container full of currency notes on her.
Watch the entire video of how the singer is showered with bucket of cash.