Lucknow Jan 25 PTI The Samajwadi Party on Tuesday declared Pawan Pandey as its candidate from the Ayodhya assembly constituency for the upcoming elections in the stateTej Narayan Pandey alias Pawan Pandey was a minister in the council of ministers headed by Akhilesh Yadav in the SP government from 2012 to 2017 and had won from Ayodhya assembly constituencyHowever in the 2017 assembly elections he had lost to BJPs Vedprakash Gupta from the same seatThe SP has also given a ticket to Madhuri Verma who had crossed over from the BJP and she will be contesting from Nanpara in BahraichFormer UP minister Yasar Shah has been named as the SP candidate from Bahraich while former legislator Mukesh Srivastava will be partys candidate from Payagpur assembly constituency in BahraichYasar Shah is currently an SP MLA from Matera assembly constituency in BahraichThe party has also named Gulshan Yadav as its candidate from Kunda assembly constituency in Pratapgarh districtKunda is the stronghold of 6-time independent MLA Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias Raja Bhaiya In 2017 and 2012 the SP had not fielded any candidate from KundaThe party has repeated its sitting MLA Ujjwal Raman Singh son of party stalwart Revti Raman Singhfrom Karchhana in Prayagraj district while Hakim Chand Bind who had crossed over from the BSP has been made the party candidate from Handia in PrayagrajAssembly polls in Uttar Pradesh will be held in seven phases between February 10 and March 7 and the results will be announced on March 10 PTI NAV RHL