SIC directs city  police to set up website to provide info on traffic \
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SIC directs city police to set up website to provide info on traffic

Chennai Jan 29 PTI The Tamil Nadu State Information Commission has directed the public authority attached to the Greater Chennai Police to create a website to provide information on traffic regulations State Information Commissioner S Muthuraj gave the direction recently while passing orders on an application from R Natrajan who sought information relating to the traffic regulations including one-way and free left indications on Chamiers Road and St Marys Road in Mylapore area here During the course of arguments SIC Muthuraj noted that no information was shared to the public by the Public Authority of the Greater Chennai Police with regard to traffic restrictions It is also seen that there was no exclusive website for it to keep the public informed Certain provisions Sections 3 and 4 of the Right to Information Act stated that the citizens have the right to information Hence he directed the public authority of the Greater Chennai Police to create without any delay an exclusive website in compliance with the provisions of the RTI Act The website should provide information regarding the police stations within its jurisdiction their location and Jurisdiction map of each station This information shall be provided in addition to the online services offered by the Tamil Nadu Police It shall also disclose details regarding the free left in the 471 bus-routes within the Corporation limits The authority should also state the steps taken to ease the traffic congestion and to ensure free flow of traffic in these routes Muthuraj added PTI CORR SA BN BN
29-Jan-2022 National