Punjab Transport Minister Laljit Singh Bhullar, while confirming the development, said that the 'Punjab Transport Scheme-2018', which the Congress Government formulated to give benefits to the Badal family and another private bus mafia, has been amended,
Chennai Mar 28 PTI The two-day national strike called for by various unions had its impact on the public transport sector in Tamil Nadu on Monday as a large number of buses operated by State Transport Undertakings STU remained off the road affecting morning office-goers and others in many places As a result autorickshaws were charging exorbitant fares commuters in different cities complained While many had the option of switching to suburban rail services and the Metro Rail here same was not the case in other cities of the state and people had to rely on the available thin services of government buses and autorickshaws The few running buses were packed beyond capacity According to reports a large number of buses operated by the STU stayed off the roads giving a tough time for the morning officer-goers Trade unions took out a rally here pressing for their demands Many autorickshaw drivers also joined the protest PTI SA SA SS SS