India’s Defence ministry is world’s biggest employer: ‘Statista’ report \
3 min read

India’s Defence ministry is world’s biggest employer: ‘Statista’ report

Statista is a Hamburg-based private organisation that provides data and statistics about various issues worldwide. After India's Defence Ministry, a close second is the US Department of Defense which employs 2.91 million people.
29-Oct-2022 World
Will Singapore’s Vertex SPAC IPO benefit any Indian startups? \
7 min read

Will Singapore’s Vertex SPAC IPO benefit any Indian startups?

Singapore, January 17 (ANI): The hottest rage in the U.S. financial markets during the COVID-19 pandemic years of 2020 and 2021 was the SPAC - special purpose acquisition company.
17-Jan-2022 World
Study: Sunscreens with zinc oxide become toxic after couple of hours \
6 min read

Study: Sunscreens with zinc oxide become toxic after couple of hours

Washington [US], October 16 (ANI): According to a collaboration that included Oregon State University scientists, sunscreen that includes zinc oxide, a common ingredient, loses much of its effectiveness and becomes toxic after two hours of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
16-Oct-2021 Science
NIIT achieves 100 percent student placement for its Full Stack Product Engineering Program Batch \
4 min read

NIIT achieves 100 percent student placement for its Full Stack Product Engineering Program Batch

New Delhi [India], October 11 (ANI/BusinessWire India): NIIT Limited, a global skills & talent development company and leading provider of managed training services, has achieved 100% student placement for its fresh batch of Full Stack Product Engineering program.
11-Oct-2021 Business