Sugar substitutes impact gut microbiome \
4 min read

Sugar substitutes impact gut microbiome

Weizmann [Israel], August 21 (ANI): Non-nutritive sweeteners have made the claim that they can provide all the sweetness of sugar without any calories since the late 1800s. Researchers who published their findings in the journal Cell on August 19 challenge the long-held belief that these sugar substitutes have no impact on humans. They discovered that some of them can actually alter consumers' microbiomes, which can affect their blood sugar levels.
21-Aug-2022 Health
Answered by I.E. Green Tea Company – Health benefits of green tea packets \
6 min read

Answered by I.E. Green Tea Company – Health benefits of green tea packets

I. E. Green Tea has answered many important questions about their pre-brewed green tea packets. The FAQs share revealing information, comparing the nutritional content offered up by each of I.E. Green’s condensed liquid serving packet to other popular green tea brands currently selling in the U.S. market. The company has answered popular questions sent in […]
10-Mar-2022 Business