Develop uniqueness of Siddha for benefit of humanity Sonowal \
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Develop uniqueness of Siddha for benefit of humanity Sonowal

Chennai Dec 23 PTI Union Ayush Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Thursday emphasised the need to promote the uniqueness of Siddha system of medicine for the benefit of mankind For centuries Siddha has been part of our lifestyle encouraging healthy life due to the voluminous contribution of the Siddhars This system of medicine needs to be promoted for its uniqueness he said Inaugurating the 5th Siddhar Day celebrations on Strength of Siddha medicine for communicable diseases held under the joint auspices of the National Institute of Siddha Central Council for Research in Siddha and the Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy here he said greater awareness on Yoga should also be created because Yoga is a traditional way of leading a healthy life Yoga meditation and pranayama ensure better health and peace of mind Promote Ayurveda Siddha and other traditional systems of Indian medicine for wider reach the Union Minister said and added we are looking forward to develop the uniqueness of Siddha system of medicine and make it more accessible and beneficial to people He complimented the Siddha physicians for their efforts in combating the challenges due to COVID-19 and said the nation handled the pandemic situation efficiently because of the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Minister of State for Ayush Dr Munjpara Mahendrabhai Kalubhai said the CCRS has filed ten patents in the last six years and successfully developed the THERAN software which has been implemented for Electronic Data Capturing System for out patients and up-scaled as Ayush Hospital Management Information System A-HMIS by the Ayush Ministry Tamil Nadu Health and Family Welfare Minister Ma Subramanian said the State will soon have its own Siddha medical university We are scouting for an ideal site and the place will be finalised in a months time he said PTI JSP BN BN
23-Dec-2021 National