Jodhpur Mar 24 PTI The High court has expressed its displeasure over doctors having their original postings in rural areas but are working on deputation in cities for long Taking a serious note of the situation the court on Wednesday directed the state government to send back all such doctors to their original places of posting as rural areas continue to face a crippling shortage of medical experts The division bench of Justice Sandeep Mehta and Justice Vinod Kumar Bharwani has also directed the state to submit compliance report of its previous order in this regard during the next hearing on April 13 The court gave these directions in a suo moto petition after taking cognisance of media reports which highlighted that an acute shortage of doctors and medical staff in rural areas had paralysed medical services there The reports indicate that doctors who have been posted in rural hospitals are avoiding their duties and have managed to secure deputation postings in the city hospitals the bench observed In its order the court stated The state government shall ensure that as far as possible all such doctors who are on deputation in cities even though their actual place of posting is in rural hospitals are released from deputation and directed to rejoin duties on the regular posts The court also directed the additional advocate general to place on record during the next hearing the actual position regarding the number of doctors placed in rural hospitals but managed to secure deputation postings in cities PTI CORR CJ CJ