Pune, March 21: In yet another shocking incident from Pune, two people were allegedly brutally thrashed by a three-member gang on Friday in the Pashan hill near Sus Khind at about 9 pm. The two men were also allegedly forced to transfer Rs 76,000 using an UPI app. Pune: Gang of Three Brutally Thrashes Two […]
Patna, February 1: Seven Miscreants including two women on entered a sand contractor’s house in eastern Bihar’s Lakhisarai district on Monday posing as income tax officials and robbed the family of ₹35 lakh including ₹25 lakh in cash, police said. Bihar: Miscreants Pose As Income Tax Officials Rob Cash, Gold Worth Rs 35 Lakh From […]
Pune, January 17: A 37-year-old woman who is a management executive with a private company, was duped of Rs 62 lakh by a man posing as a ‘civil engineer from UK’ on a matrimonial website. Online Fraud in Pune: Woman Duped of Rs 62 Lakh by Man on Matrimonial Site Who Posed As Civil Engineer […]