Tamil Nadu BJP state president K Annamalai on Tuesday said that it’s only because of BJP’s intervention all the facts in the Coimbatore explosion came to light. Madurai: Tamil Nadu BJP state president K Annamalai on Tuesday said that it’s only because of BJP’s intervention all the facts in the...
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Tamil Nadu BJP state president K Annamalai on Tuesday said that it’s only because of BJP’s intervention all the facts in the Coimbatore explosion came to light. Madurai: Tamil Nadu BJP state president K Annamalai on Tuesday said that it’s only because of BJP’s intervention all the facts in the...
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A 29-year-old man was killed in a car explosion near a temple in Coimbatore during the wee hours on October 23. If the BJP had not raised its voice against the Coimbatore bomb explosion, the Tamil Nadu government would have given a government job to the family of the person who died in the blast.
Tamil Nadu state BJP president K Annamalai on Saturday condemned the DMK leader Sadai Sadiq's derogatory remarks against women BJP leaders and said that the latter's comments were really wrong.
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], July 5 (ANI): Tamil Nadu unit BJP chief K Annamalai on Tuesday claimed that the DMK-led state government has not fulfilled its election manifesto promises, saying that the party workers will begin a 'padayatra' from January 1, 2023.
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], May 25 (ANI): Tamil Nadu BJP Central District Chairman of the SC/ST wing, Balachandran, was allegedly murdered by three unidentified assailants in Chintadripet, a locality in Chennai on Tuesday.
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], April 13 (ANI): Tamil Nadu Bhartiya Janata Party Chief K Annamalai on Tuesday said that the state BJP unit will not allow accept or allow Hindi imposition.
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], March 29 (ANI): Tamil Nadu Bhartiya Janata Party chief K Annamalai on Tuesday said he is not afraid of defamation and added that "they are afraid to face BJP in Tamil Nadu".
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], February 10 (ANI): As many as three petrol bombs were hurled at the Tamil Nadu BJP headquarters 'Kamalalayam' at T Nagar in Chennai on Thursday, said BJP state president K Annamalai and demanded National Investigation Agency (NIA) probe.
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], January 31 (ANI): Tamil Nadu's BJP unit president K Annamalai on Monday said that the BJP will go solo in the upcoming local body elections in Tamil Nadu which is scheduled on February 19.