Tecno Mobile India will launch the Tecno Phantom X smartphone in the country on April 29, 2022. The Chinese smartphone brand has teased the premium offering on Amazon.in ahead of its official launch. The phone is likely to come in a single configuration – 8GB + 256GB. The Phantom X will come in two colour […]
Tecno Mobile India is gearing up for the launch of Phantom X smartphone soon. The company has teased the device on its official Twitter account and Amazon India website. The Amazon India website reveals several key specifications of the device. According to the teaser, Tecno Phantom will come with high-end specifications, including a flexible curved […]
Tecno Mobile India is set to launch its new Pova Neo smartphone in the country next week. The Chinese smartphone brand took to Twitter to announce that the handset will be launched on January 20, 2022. The company dropped a teaser image on its social media account, revealing its launch date. The entry-level offering from […]