Mumbai Dec 28 PTI The Maharashtra Legislative Council on Tuesday passed the Maharashtra Public University Act 2016 Third Amendment bill which gives more powers to the Higher and Technical Education Minister with regard to the state-run varsitiesOpposition BJP claimed that it undermines the Governors powers and will lead to more political interference in the running of universitiesThe bill allows the minister to make recommendations to the governor who is the chancellor of the universitiesIt also proposes appointment of the Higher and Technical Education Minister as pro-chancellor of the universitiesThe bill tabled by Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant was cleared by the upper house by voice vote following its passage in the Assembly earlier in the eveningThe opposition led by Leader of Opposition in the Council Pravin Darekar staged a walk-out in protest The autonomy of the governor is being compromised This will make the minister more powerful and pave the way for more and more political interference in universities and their functioning he saidIronically the bill said to have been introduced to curtail the governors powers will now go to state governor B S Koshyari for his approval PTI ND KRK KRK KRK