Protest rally held in Taiwan ahead of Tibet National Uprising Day \
2 min read

Protest rally held in Taiwan ahead of Tibet National Uprising Day

Taipei [Taiwan], March 6 (ANI): Ahead of the Tibetan Uprising Day, dozens of people took to the streets of Taipei on Saturday to call to bring attention to the atrocities on Tibetians and other minority groups by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
06-Mar-2022 World
Protest rally held in Taiwan on occasion of Tibet National Uprising Day against Chinese atrocities \
2 min read

Protest rally held in Taiwan on occasion of Tibet National Uprising Day against Chinese atrocities

Taipei [Taiwan], March 3 (ANI): Tibetan and other Rights groups in Taiwan held a press conference on March 2 in front of the parliament in Taipei to announce their protest program to commemorate the Tibetan uprising on March 10.
03-Mar-2022 World