Agartala Nov 22 PTI Actor-turned-TMC leader Saayoni Ghosh who was arrested on charges of criminal intimidation and attempt to murder was on Monday granted bail by the court of additional chief judicial magistrate in West Tripura district Ghosh was held after she raised TMCs khela hobe slogan to allegedly disrupt a street-corner meeting being held by Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Deb Some people accompanying her had apparently hurled stones at those attending the meeting police sources here said The Trinamool Youth Congress president was produced before the court of the additional chief judicial magistrate in West Tripura district which granted her bail The court also asked her to furnish a bail bond of Rs 20000 PTI JOY RMS RMS
Agartala (Tripura) [India], November 22 (ANI): Trinamool Youth Congress President Saayoni Ghosh, who was arrested by Tripura Police for allegedly spreading ruckus during a public meeting of Chief Minister Biplab Deb, has been granted bail on Monday by the Chief Judicial Magistrate court in West Tripura.
New Delhi [India], November 22 (ANI): A delegation of Trinamool Congress (TMC) MPs on Monday reached the residence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah to meet him and discuss the alleged police brutality in Tripura.
Agartala (Tripura) [India], November 21 (ANI): Trinamool Youth Congress President Sayonni Ghosh was arrested by Tripura Police on Sunday for allegedly causing a ruckus at a public meeting of Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb.