Pune Dec 28 PTI Continuing its action against alleged irregularities in various recruitment exams the police in Maharashtras Pune have arrested two people and registered a fresh case in connection with the paper leak in the Group C recruitment examination of the health department an official said on Tuesday The cyber police station in Pune had earlier registered an offence over the alleged paper leak in the Group D recruitment examination of the health department At least 18 accused including Mahesh Botle joint director non-technical National Health Mission Prashant Badgire chief administrative officer in the health department posted at Latur and Dr Sandip Jogdand a medical officer at the mental hospital in Ambejogai in Beed district were arrested in that case Botle Badgire and Jogdand are involved in the present case as well police commissioner Amitabh Gupta said During the probe it was found that one of the accused Nishit Gaikwad had allegedly leaked the paper of the Group C recruitment examination which was held on October 24 and circulated the same through an agent in exchange for money Gupta said Smita Koregaonkar the chief administrative officer of the health department registered an offence in this case he said We have arrested Gaikwad and one Rahul Linghot in the present case registered under relevant sections of the IPC and Maharashtra Prevention of Malpractices at University Board and other specified Examinations Act the official said According to the police this is the fifth offence registered in connection with paper leaks and malpractices in results of various exams including the recruitment exams of Group C and D of the health department MHADA recruitment exam Teachers Eligibility Test of 2020 and 2018 As many as 28 accused have been arrested in connection in all these five cases it was stated Tukaram Supe Commissioner now suspended Maharashtra State Council of Examinations MSCE and former MSCE commissioner Sukhdev Dere were also arrested in connection with the malpractices in the results of 2020 and 2018 TET exams respectively The police have already recovered over Rs 4 crore in unaccounted cash and gold ornaments from Supe PTI SPK ARU ARU