Study finds usage of microbes linked to making supercharged rocket fuel \
3 min read

Study finds usage of microbes linked to making supercharged rocket fuel

Washington [US], July 9 (ANI): According to research, when out of five drawing tasks, the features of those combined drawings are extracted, it results in the accurate classification of individuals having normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease.
09-Jul-2022 Health
Study: Usage of microbes to make supercharged new rocket fuel \
3 min read

Study: Usage of microbes to make supercharged new rocket fuel

Washington [US], July 4 (ANI): Researchers have found that extracting drawing features from a combination of five drawing tasks rather than from any single task alone leads to a more accurate classification of people with normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease by capturing different, complementary aspects of cognitive impairments.
04-Jul-2022 Science
Mirror image biomolecule helps marine sea squirts lose their tails: Research \
3 min read

Mirror image biomolecule helps marine sea squirts lose their tails: Research

Tsukuba [Japan], March 12 (ANI): A team, led by the University of Tsukuba, found that D-serine serves as a chemical signal that allows tissue migration in marine sea squirts when they lose their tails on transforming from tadpoles into their mature form.
12-Mar-2022 Science
Certain lifestyle habits may develop metabolic syndrome: Study \
3 min read

Certain lifestyle habits may develop metabolic syndrome: Study

Tsukuba [Japan], November 21 (ANI): A new study has found that certain lifestyle habits play a significant role in the possibility of developing metabolic syndrome.
21-Nov-2021 Health
Study finds how the dreaming phase matters for brain refreshing \
4 min read

Study finds how the dreaming phase matters for brain refreshing

Tsukuba [Japan], September 4 (ANI): Researchers led by a team from the University of Tsukuba have found new evidence of brain refreshing that takes place during a specific phase of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when you tend to dream a lot.
04-Sep-2021 Science