Mumbai Dec 23 PTI Maharashtra minister Prajakt Tanpure on Thursday held the previous BJP-led government in the state responsible for the increase in the amount of pending dues of the power utility from agriculture consumers to Rs 40000 crore He was speaking in the Legislative Council while responding to a calling attention motion on the recent drive taken out by the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd MSEDCL insisting farmers to repay their outstanding amount When the new government of BJP-Shiv Sena came to power in Maharashtra in 2014 the MSEDCLs outstanding amount from the agriculture sector was Rs 10000 crore The cumulative figure of the dues from all power consumers was Rs 20000 crore in the entire state at that time the minister of state for energy said The new government was formed in 2019 of Shiv Sena NCP and Congress and we inherited the MSEDCLs outstanding amount of Rs 40000 crore which was in the agriculture sector alone and the overall outstanding amount from all power consumers was Rs 60000 crore I do not want to go into political mud slinging but figures cannot be ignored he said Tanpure even accused the Devendra Fadnavis government of not helping the power utility in terms of financial infusion Other states like Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu gave Rs 50000 crore Rs 76000 crore and Rs 30420 crore respectively to their power utilities Contrary to it the Maharashtra government gave slightly more than Rs 4000 crore during the 2014-19 period he alleged PTI ND NP NP