Chennai Oct 18 PTI A case was filed by the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption wing against C Vijayabaskar who was the Health Minister in the previous AIADMK regime for acquiring assets disproportionate to his known sources of income Filing an FIR against him and his spouse as well anti-graft sleuths launched simultaneous searches in as many as 43 locations spread across six districts of Tamil Nadu The search locations include Vijayabaskars residence and premises linked to his relatives and associates Each team in every location comprises at least six personnel in addition to policemen deployed for security purposes a vigilance official told PTI Totally over 250 personnel are involved in search operations According to the FIR a verification process revealed that Vijayabaskar accumulated maximum assets intentionally enriched himself during the check period from April 1 2016 to March 31 2021 The searches are on in Chennai Chengelpet Kanchipuram Coimbatore Tiruchirappalli and Pudukottai districts After the DMK captured power in May 2021 similar cases of disproportionate assets have already been filed against K C Veeramani S P Velumani and M R Vijayabaskar all former Ministers during the previous AIADMK regime Searches were also carried out by the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption personnel in premises related to them PTI VGN SS SS