The Delhi Police team at Vasai in Maharashtra's Palghar has recorded the statements of 11 people in connection with the Shraddha murder case, according to the sources on Monday.
Delhi Police team is in Maharashtra's Vasai to probe the horrific Shraddha Walker murder case in which her live-in partner Aftab Amin Poonawala had strangulated Walker to death allegedly and chopped her body into 35 pieces, dumped it in the Chhatarpur area of the national capital.
Delhi Police team that arrived in Maharashtra’s Vasai to probe the horrific Shraddha Walker murder case in which her live-in partner Aftab Amin Poonawala had allegedly strangulated Walker to death and chopped her body into 35 pieces, dumped it in the Chhatarpur area of the national capital, on Friday recorded...
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Delhi Police team that arrived in Maharashtra’s Vasai to probe the horrific Shraddha Walker murder case in which her live-in partner Aftab Amin Poonawala had allegedly strangulated Walker to death and chopped her body into 35 pieces, dumped it in the Chhatarpur area of the national capital, on Friday recorded...
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Diving deeper into the investigation in the Shraddha Walker murder case, Delhi Police has found blood stains in the kitchen of accused Aftab Amin Poonawalla's flat in Delhi's Chhatarpur. The blood samples have been sent for examination to ascertain whose blood it is.
California [US], August 24 (ANI): Humans help one another; it is one of the pillars of civilised society. However, a new study conducted by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, reveals that a lack of sleep impairs this fundamental human trait, with real-world consequences.