Realme, the Chinese phone maker, is all set to launch the GT 2 Pro smartphone today in India. The company will also launch the Realme 9 4G, Realme Buds Air 3, Realme Smart TV Stick and Realme Book Prime. The launch event will commence at 12:30 pm IST and will be streamed live via Realme […]
Microsoft announced the first preview of the Android app experience on Windows 11. The Windows Insider Program gives a sneak peek of what’s to come next. Windows 11 now with Android apps Microsoft, in a blog post, explained that new android apps will be available in its store. This feature will showcase a variety of […]
Microsoft, the American tech giant has officially rolled out the Windows 11 operating system. As a reminder, the new operating system was introduced by the company in June this year. It was in the testing phase for few months and now, the final build of the OS is ready and being rolled out to supported […]