Vivo India is all set to launch its X70 Series smartphones today in India. Vivo X70 Series was launched in China earlier this month and it consists of X70, X70 Pro and X70 Pro+ models. However, India might get just two models – X70 Pro and X70 Pro+. The company is likely to skip the […]
The Chinese smartphone brand Vivo will officially launch the Vivo X70 series in India. The prices of the flagship smartphones will be announced during a virtual launch event scheduled to start at 12 pm IST. The launch event will be streamed online via social media platforms and its YouTube channel. Vivo X70 Series India Launch Scheduled […]
Vivo, the Chinese tech company is rumoured to launch its Vivo X70 Series next month. Vivo X70 Series will comprise of Vivo X70, Vivo X70 Pro and Vivo X70 Pro+ smartphones. Ahead of its launch renders of Vivo X70 and X70 Pro+ have been leaked online. As per the leaked renders by OnLeaks, the design […]