Bharat Jodo Yatra, which began on September 7 from Kanyakumari, will cover a further distance of 2,355 km in its 3,570-km march. It will end in Kashmir next year. It is the longest march on foot by any Indian politician in the history of India, the Congress claimed earlier in a statement
Rahul Gandhi made the above remark while addressing the public gathering after the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Madhya Pradesh's Burhanpur on Wednesday. He also thanked the people of Madhya Pradesh for his lovely welcome in the state.
Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra has entered 70th day. The Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra. Through this Yatra Rahul Gandhi is meeting people and trying to rekindle the Congress connect. In this episode of the Editorial our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the...
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Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra has entered 70th day. The Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra. Through this Yatra Rahul Gandhi is meeting people and trying to rekindle the Congress connect. In this episode of the Editorial our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the...
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Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra has entered 70th day. The Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra. Through this Yatra Rahul Gandhi is meeting people and trying to rekindle the Congress connect. In this episode of the Editorial our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the...
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Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra has entered 70th day. The Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra. Through this Yatra Rahul Gandhi is meeting people and trying to rekindle the Congress connect. In this episode of the Editorial our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the...
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Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra has entered 70th day. The Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra. Through this Yatra Rahul Gandhi is meeting people and trying to rekindle the Congress connect. In this episode of the Editorial our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the...
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Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra has entered 70th day. The Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra. Through this Yatra Rahul Gandhi is meeting people and trying to rekindle the Congress connect. In this episode of the Editorial our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the...
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Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra has entered 70th day. The Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi is currently in Maharashtra. Through this Yatra Rahul Gandhi is meeting people and trying to rekindle the Congress connect. In this episode of the Editorial our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the...
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