The nuisance of criminals in Bihta the headman was shot with bullets the killing of a man with a knife caused a stir in the area
pAngry people protested by blocking the road demanding the arrest of the killers According to information received from the sources the deceased has been identified as Pintu Sau 45 son of Surendra Sao a resident of Narhana in Maner police station areap

pThe Bihta police station area of the capital Patna seems to be a safe zone for criminals Criminal incidents are coming to the fore every day Once again there has been a stir due to the murder of two people at two different placesppThe latest case has come to the fore in Rajpur and Panal villages According to the information last night near Panal Mahua village of Bihta police station unknown criminals riding bikes gunned down the headman In which he died on the spotppThe second incident is from Rajpur village Late night here criminals killed a person by stabbing him After both these incidents the anger of the villagers against the police broke outppAngry people protested by blocking the road demanding the arrest of the killers According to information received from the sources the deceased has been identified as Pintu Sau 45 son of Surendra Sao a resident of Narhana in Maner police station areappIt is being told that Pintu Sao the husband of the current head of Kamla Gopalpur Panchayat was returning from some program during which the criminals surrounded and fired bullets They then fled from the spot after the incidentppAfter the information of the murder there was a stir in the surrounding area On receiving the information the police reached the dead body and sent it for post-mortem It is not yet clear as to what led to his murderp