The status and place of Sanskrit language in modern India
The status and place of Sanskrit language in modern IndiaBy Lokesh Kishor Mehta Today is Shravan PournimaIn 1969 Government of India announced that this day would be celebrated as Sanskrit DayWhether it is Ireland or any other country we see that all countries are tempted by Sanskrit todayThe 6th and 7th generation super computers which are estimated to be fully operational by 2034 will be based on Sanskrit language onlyVeer Savarkar says Sanskrit language is our sacred and glorious heritage

The status and place of Sanskrit language in modern IndiaBy Lokesh Kishor Mehta Today is Shravan Pournima This day is celebrated all over the world as Sanskrit Day In 1969 Government of India announced that this day would be celebrated as Sanskrit Day For some years now Sanskrit Week is being celebrated by organising Sanskrit-related programmes Sanskrit is not only the mother of all languages but also the language of knowledge the scientific language Sanskrit is mother of 6909 languages used in the world The richest language in the world it has more words than in any other language At present Sanskrit dictionary has 10278 billion words There are innumerable words in Sanskrit for one word For example there are over a hundred words for water in Sanskrit — Jal Neer Salil etc Sanskrit used to be a dialect too but over time it was neglected In 21st Century people have once again realised the importance of Sanskrit For more than in India it is studied abroad It is unfortunate that Indians understand the importance of their culture and their language only when it is important abroad Today a great deal of research is being done on Sanskrit in GermanyThere Sanskrit is being studied in 18 universities Whether it is Ireland or any other country we see that all countries are tempted by Sanskrit today It is compulsorily taught at St James School in London The future belongs to Sanskrit According to NASA Sanskrit is the most useful language for computers The 6th and 7th generation super computers which are estimated to be fully operational by 2034 will be based on Sanskrit language only Sanskrit is the most obvious language in the world It is written as it is spoken It is the only language useful in speech therapy because speaking Sanskrit involves experimenting with all muscles of the tongue Conversation in Sanskrit creates positive energy in body Scientists say that a student who learns Sanskrit excels in mathematics and scienceThere is immense faith affection and respect about Sanskrit but people do not use it in their daily life If there is true faith and affection for Sanskrit people should first learn it for themselves and then inspire others Vedas Upanishads Ramayana Mahabharata Arthashastra etc are all in Sanskrit Aryabhatiyam written by Aryabhata based on mathematics is also in Sanskrit Sanskrit texts are available for numerous sciences like astronomy aeronautics dietetics architecture chemistry pharmacology etc in which research is desperately needed With new research based on Indian scientific treasures we should show the world that Sanskrit is a language of knowledge Many great men have underlined the importance of Sanskrit Veer Savarkar says Sanskrit language is our sacred and glorious heritage We are so immersed in scripture history philosophy and literature that in fact Sanskrit is the brainchild of our lineage The first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad says Our culture literature and life are incomplete as long as our scholars thinkers and educators are ignorant of Sanskrit Knowledge of Sanskrit is essential for understanding Indian culture Mahatma Gandhi says No one can become an Indian and a scholar without knowing SanskritThis shows how Sanskrit is needed in our life Sanskrit is the only language that can unite the whole country The glory of Sanskrit literature is immense Panchatantra and Hitopadesh useful in sowing the seeds of Samskara in children are in Sanskrit Sanskrit is like the ocean the pearls of which are poets like Kalidasa Bhasa Magh Bhavabhuti Sanskrit got a distinct identity due to literature of Kalidasa Paniniya grammar is the oldest and best in Sanskrit Yoga Sutra composed by Maharshi Patanjali is famous in the world today There is a great need today for propagation of Sanskrit language The fear of Sanskrit in the minds of the people should be eradicated People should be convinced that Sanskrit is a very simple language Its a misconception that there is no career in Sanskrit There are many career opportunities available in Sanskrit today All one needs to do is become aware of this language Everyone needs to work together to restore Sanskrit to its rightful place This is the true service to Sanskrit In modern age we can save ourselves by assimilating Sanskrit Here is wishing everyone all a very Happy Sanskrit Day The author is on staff of Bhavans B P Vidya Mandir Trimurti Nagar