Thirteen Chinese military aircraft enter Taiwan’s air defence identification zone

Taipei [Taiwan], January 25 (ANI): Thirteen Chinese aircraft intruded Taiwan’s air defence identification zone (ADIZ) on Monday, marking the 19th intrusion this month, reported local media.

January 25, 2022


1 min


Taipei [Taiwan], January 25 (ANI): Thirteen Chinese aircraft intruded Taiwan’s air defence identification zone (ADIZ) on Monday, marking the 19th intrusion this month, reported local media.
People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s (PLAAF) two Shenyang electronic warfare J-16D fighter jets, eight Shenyang J-16 fighters, two Xian H-6 bombers, and one Shaanxi Y-8 anti-submarine warfare plane flew into the southwest corner of the ADIZ, reported Taiwan News citing the country’s Ministry of National Defence (MND).
The intrusion first time involved China’s J-16D aircraft — the electronic warfare variant of the J-16.
Taiwan sent aircraft, broadcast radio warnings, and deployed air defence missile systems immediately responding to the intrusion to track the Chinese planes.
It came after 39 Chinese military planes had entered Taiwan’s ADIZ on Sunday. The 39 PLAAF military aircraft were spotted on Sunday morning, matching the 39 detected on October 2, 2021, the second-highest number recorded on one day. The all-time record for the most Chinese military aircraft seen violating Taiwan’s ADIZ was set on October 4 of 2021 with 56 PLAAF planes. (ANI)

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