TPDDL to hold Lok Adalat tomorrow

New Delhi Dec 18 PTI Power discom TPDDL will hold Lok Adalat on Sunday for mutual settlement of power theft and metre tampering cases a spokesperson of the company said Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited in association with the Delhi State Legal Services Authority will be conducting these sessions at the Permanent Lok Adalat Mata Sundari Lane Near Bal Bhavan and the discoms EAC office at Sector-3 Rohini from 10 am with strict adherence of COVID-19 guidelines he said Litigants may pre-register to the Lok Adalat on the number 19124 or at the EAC office The session will provide consumerslitigants residing in North and North-West Delhi a one-time opportunity for an amicable and on-the-spot settlement he said Cases that are either pending in any court of law or are yet to be filed will be taken up by the Lok Adalat Litigants can either attend in person or through their representatives carrying authorisation letter photo ID and a copy of their theft bill he said PTI VIT CJ CJ


December 18, 2021


1 min


New Delhi Dec 18 PTI Power discom TPDDL will hold Lok Adalat on Sunday for mutual settlement of power theft and metre tampering cases a spokesperson of the company said Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited in association with the Delhi State Legal Services Authority will be conducting these sessions at the Permanent Lok Adalat Mata Sundari Lane Near Bal Bhavan and the discoms EAC office at Sector-3 Rohini from 10 am with strict adherence of COVID-19 guidelines he said Litigants may pre-register to the Lok Adalat on the number 19124 or at the EAC office The session will provide consumerslitigants residing in North and North-West Delhi a one-time opportunity for an amicable and on-the-spot settlement he said Cases that are either pending in any court of law or are yet to be filed will be taken up by the Lok Adalat Litigants can either attend in person or through their representatives carrying authorisation letter photo ID and a copy of their theft bill he said PTI VIT CJ CJ

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