UK launches probe into imports of fibre optic cables from China

London [UK], April 28 (ANI): The UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has opened two new investigations into imports of fibre optic cables, used in the delivery of broadband services, from China.

April 28, 2022


2 min


London [UK], April 28 (ANI): The UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has opened two new investigations into imports of fibre optic cables, used in the delivery of broadband services, from China.
The Trade Remedies Authority is the body that investigates whether new trade remedy measures are needed to counter unfair import practices and unforeseen surges of imports.
“The TRA will carry out two investigations – an anti-dumping investigation to determine whether imports of these products are being dumped in the UK at prices below what they would sell for in their home country and a separate investigation to determine whether the Chinese imports entering the UK market are also benefiting from subsidies which lower their production costs,” the TRA said in a statement.
The investigations will also consider whether these imports are damaging the UK industry for fibre optic cables, the release added.
This probe is in response to an application from a UK manufacturer to the TRA to investigate whether these imports are causing injury to the UK industry. The UK body will conduct an Economic Interest Test (EIT) as part of its investigation to assess whether a new trade remedy measure would be in the UK’s economic interest.
Oliver Griffiths, TRA Chief Executive, said: “Fibre optic cable is broadband’s workhorse. These investigations will examine whether fibre optic cable from China is being traded unfairly and assess its impact on the UK economy.”
The TRA will now seek information from all interested parties to establish whether imports of fibre optic cable from China are being dumped in the UK at prices below their normal value, whether they benefit from government subsidies, whether these imports are causing injury to UK industry and whether it would be in the UK’s interests for measures to be put in place to mitigate any injury. (ANI)

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