Watch: UP girl rows boat daily to reach her school

Hail or high water, nothing can stop a girl determined to get education. Sandhya Sahini, a 15-year-old class XI student from Bahrampur area of Gorakhpur in UP rows her boat over the intimidating currents of the Rapti river daily to reach her school. The daughter of a carpenter, Sandhya, missed out on online classes during […]


September 6, 2021


1 min


Hail or high water, nothing can stop a girl determined to get education.

Sandhya Sahini, a 15-year-old class XI student from Bahrampur area of Gorakhpur in UP rows her boat over the intimidating currents of the Rapti river daily to reach her school.

The daughter of a carpenter, Sandhya, missed out on online classes during the lockdown as she didn’t have a smart phone. And when schools opened finally last month, her area was heavily flooded.

Determined to not miss out on her education anymore, Sandhya has been rowing to her school about 800 meters from her house.

Sandhya studies in Ayodhya Das Girls Inter College in Bahrampur. She rows her boat to reach Raj Ghat and then takes a tempo to reach her school.

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