Ways to make the most of every day

There’s a reason why the phrase “Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF)” exists. Friday has the unique distinction of functioning as a gateway to good times for those who do not work on weekends. Due to errands, children’s schedules, or domestic duties, you may find yourself busier on weekends than you are during the week. Nonetheless, […]


June 1, 2022


5 min


most out of every day

There’s a reason why the phrase “Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF)” exists. Friday has the unique distinction of functioning as a gateway to good times for those who do not work on weekends. Due to errands, children’s schedules, or domestic duties, you may find yourself busier on weekends than you are during the week. Nonetheless, the illusion (even if illusory) of being off the clock is so appealing that you probably don’t allow the reality of your hurried “days off” to disturb you.

When you think about it, though, does it ever seem to you that by living from weekend to weekend, you’re essentially wasting 5/7 of your life? Consider how many years this could add up to over decades. Isn’t it more sensible to locate a technique to get the most enjoyment out of this significant portion of your life?

Furthermore, are you missing out on your capacity to maximize your productivity and, as a result, your emotions of contentment by trying to get through your daily grind as quickly as possible?

To avoid appearing pessimistic, our days are numbered. We can’t continue to hide behind negativity to avoid completely experiencing life. We must take command of our lives and make the most of each day.

Our lives are made up of a series of single days that follow one another. The sun rises, sets, and then rises once more. Finally, how we choose to spend each day will determine the lives we choose to live.

Ways to make most out of each day

most out of every day

1. Reset

Tomorrow is a new day, full of possibilities and possibilities. You’ll want to start with a clean slate and a new beginning. Then, spend 10 minutes each evening decluttering and refreshing your home in preparation for the next day. Tomorrow’s self will appreciate it.

2. Shake up your weekly routine

Do your laundry on a Thursday rather than a Monday if you’re a full-time homemaker. If you work outside the house, suggest that colleagues celebrate Taco Tuesday instead of Happy Hour on a Friday afternoon.

3. Express

Don’t go a day without showing how much you care for the people closest to you. It’s quite simple these days, thanks to the abundance of social media. Write a letter, pick up the phone, or also meet someone for a face-to-face conversation if you want to make the most of your day.

4. Make a decision every day that excites you

Don’t let a day go by without something exciting to do. That doesn’t imply you have to perform crazy mountain climbing or sky diving every day. It may be as simple as a quick skinny dip in the ocean (if you’re near one and have access to one), calling that cute guy, or learning a new skill. So, the options are limitless.

5. Do it for them

You will not find your greatest satisfaction in life if you live it selfishly for yourself. Rather, the times and motivations when we choose to contribute to others are the times and motivations that bring us the most joy and contentment. Every day, invest your life in someone else. Mentor a young person. Assist a coworker. Donate to a local charity. Alternatively, simply call a friend who needs to hear from you.

6. Kindness is important

Take joy with you wherever you go. Make eye contact with strangers and smile. Prepare a meal for a friend or family member. Make a time donation. Make a call to your mother. Take out the trash. Customer service should also be treated with respect. It’s the little things that make a big difference.


It is important to work every day but it is also important to make the most out of every day. As Dwight Schrute says, ” You only die once, but you live every day”. Make the most out of every day by being happy and finding joy in everything. Each day is a new opportunity. So seize the day my friend, and live in the present always!

This article Ways to make the most of every day appeared first on BreezyScroll.

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