Yellow Brick Path found at bottom of Pacific ocean

Is Atlantis real? If so, was it ever found? What happened to Atlantis? There are no definitive answers to these concerns. Therefore, Atlantis remains a mythical island addressed in Plato’s books Timaeus and Critias as an allegory of the hubris of nations. Finding Atlantis may remain a pipe dream. But a group of marine scientists has […]


May 12, 2022


3 min


Pacific ocean

Is Atlantis real? If so, was it ever found? What happened to Atlantis? There are no definitive answers to these concerns. Therefore, Atlantis remains a mythical island addressed in Plato’s books Timaeus and Critias as an allegory of the hubris of nations. Finding Atlantis may remain a pipe dream. But a group of marine scientists has confirmed the existence of a unique yellow brick walkway at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, a group of marine scientists uncovered a peculiar yellow brick path. The crew of the Exploration Vessel Nautilus spotted the strange-looking structure while exploring an area named Liliuokalani Ridge in the United States’ Papahnaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the Pacific Ocean, according to a YouTube video.

The structure looks like a cobblestone road. One researcher calls the brick walkway “the road to Atlantis” in the video, while another calls it “bizarre.”

Ancient active volcanic geography

The goal of the marine scientists was to look into a split in the seamount trail. The origins of thousands of seamounts in the central and western Pacific oceans are unknown. As a result, they live-streamed their discoveries, including the discovery of what appears to be a man-made brick road with distinctive rectangular blocks.

The team went on to say that the formation is  “an example of ancient active volcanic geography”. 

“At the summit of Nootka Seamount, the team spotted a ‘dried lake bed’ formation, now ID’d as a fractured flow of hyaloclastite rock – a volcanic rock formed in high-energy eruptions where many rock fragments settle to the seabed,” the caption of the YouTube post read.

The “unique” pattern of fractures in the rock that gives it its cobbled structure is likely the product of repeated heating and cooling over time owing to many volcanic eruptions, according to the experts. They also indicated that the crew had never surveyed the area before. But that they will now investigate life on and within the old seamounts’ steep slopes.

This article Yellow Brick Path found at bottom of Pacific ocean appeared first on BreezyScroll.

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