The gorgeous actor/designer Poornima Indrajith spent the last days of 2020 in Goa. The actress took to social media to let her fans know that she was having a ‘blast’ sending-off 2020 in style. Spending the last vacation of the year with her kids and a few close friends, the actress shared glimpses from her trip. The diva was seen enjoying the waves and beach sand in a black tank top and blue denim shorts while having a dip in the open sea. She was accompanied by TV star Ranjini Haridas. Though he was late, husband and actor Indrajith Sukumaran joined too.
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Ranjini Haridas also shared a picture of hers with the bunch having a nice evening campfire on the beach.
Indrajith took to his social media to wish his fans along with his partner. The actor shared a picture with Poornima and said, “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you walked into mine. here’s looking at you, kid! #CasaBlanca Wishing u all love and light. Happy 2021!”
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Poornima, who turned her complete focus to her fashion career post marriage with Mollywood star Indrajith Sukumaran, made a scintillating comeback to the big screen in 2019, with the Aashiq Abu directorial Virus, in which she essayed a doctor while her better half portrayed the role of a Health department official. Poornima and Indrajith will be seen together on big screen this year in the Nivin-Pauly starrer Thuramukham. Indrajith will also be seen in the Dulquer Salmaan starrer Kurup.
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