3 min read

Reasons Why We All Need Friends Like Nagcharan’s Gang From Nagarahavu 

Parinika Uchil

April 30, 2019

3 min


Namma favourite actor Diganth, who plays the role of Nagcharan in this blockbuster film, will give you major friendship goals!

They have many names; bro, dude, macha, maga, kanne, kanno etc, but friends are gems that you should treasure for life. Not because they laugh at your embarrassing moments shamelessly but because your level of crazy merges well with theirs. In simple words, your closest circle of buddies are your siblings from different mothers. In the film Nagarahavu, Diganth’s friends too will give you serious friendship goals. Directed by Kodi Ramakrishna, this blockbuster has lots of lessons to teach you including the meaning of friendship.

To see your favourite star, back onscreen, watch the film here:

With a good blend of folklore, mythology and superstitious beliefs, the film Nagarahavu is a tribute to the legendary icon of our Sandalwood industry, Sahasa Simha Dr Vishnuvardhan. The movie is based on a mythological/fictional story paired with a modern-day tale. Nagcharan’s friends (members of his music band) who stood by his side till the very end, His friends in the movie prove that friendship lasts forever.

A Still From Nagarahavu
A Still From Nagarahavu

Friends are a part of our essence right from the get-go. There is absolutely no pretense or facade of any kind. Nagcharan treasures his friends and relies on them for a lot of things like their help, or their opinion. Similarly, his friends consider him the centre of their life and are always looking up to him for help and advice.

In life, there will be a lot of people who will come and go, but only those who add value to your life are the ones that will stay for good. Like Nagcharan’s friends, you too must have a group of those close buddies you can confide in. Remember, these individuals are there in your life to help you become a better version of yourself. Such friends come without emotions like judgement or criticism, which is the best kind of friendship in my opinion. It is pure, simple and direct. No hunky-dory stuff along the way.

A Still Of Nagcharan's Friends In Nagarahavu
A Still Of Nagcharan’s Friends In Nagarahavu

True friendships are those that go on for a lifetime because there is no hatred or negativity involved. You perfectly understand your friend and vice versa. With love, trust and companionship, a friendship can totally rocket sky-high and stay with you for the better part of your life. We hope you are happy as a butterfly with your set of BFFs.

If you have a set of friends like Nagcharan in Nagarahavu, share your fun moments with them in the space given below.

For more action from Diganth, watch any of his other movies streaming on ZEE5, here.

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