Vicky Kaushal’s latest movie, Chhaava, has been making quite some buzz now. This Hindi biography film about the legendary Maratha leader, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj is releasing in the theatres on February 14, 2025. Directed by Laxman Utekar, this historical movie is produced by Dinesh Vijan under the banner of Maddock Films. A few days ago, the Chhaava movie trailer was launched, and ever since then, the movie has been in talks for various reasons. While some people have loved Vicky Kaushal’s transformation into the revered Maratha leader, others criticized the film for inaccuracies. Either way, a good chunk of the movie-going audience, especially fans of Vicky Kaushal movies are eagerly waiting to experience Chhaava on the big screens.
After all, it is the story of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj also known as Shambhuraje, the second Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire. If Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was a Maratha lion, Shambhuraje was a Chhaava, meaning lion cub, in every sense. Over the years, Indian cinema has had several gems revolving around his legendary life and the legacy that he left behind. Today, as you wait for the release of Vicky Kaushal’s Chhaava in theatres, let’s take a look at some great movies and a TV show that you can watch to know more about this incredible Maratha leader.
Chhatrapati Sambhaji(1925)
Directed by N. D. Sarpotdar, this was a silent Indian historical film about Sambhajiraje Shivajiraje Bhonsle. Released in 1925, this film featured Parshwanath Altekar as the revered leader, while Zillu played Maharani Yesubai Bhonsale.
Chhatrapati Sambhaji(1934)
Following the gap of a decade, a movie with the same name was released in 1934. Directed by Parshwanath Altekar, this Marathi language film was led by Master Vithal essaying the role of Sambhaji, while Vijayadevi played his dutiful wife, Yesubai. The film also stars Dada Salvi, Vasantrao Pahelwan, Javadekar, Shakuntala, Kishori Ingle, Shahir Nanivadekar, and others in significant roles.
Swarajyarakshak Sambhaji(2017–2020)
Then came a wave of historic brilliance in Marathi TV shows. Swarajyarakshak Sambhaji, directed by Vivek Deshpande and Kartik Rajaram Kendhe was a long-running show on ZEE Marathi. Based on the life of warrior king Sambhaji, this show took the Marathi TV industry by storm. Dr. Amol Kolhe excelled in his role as Sambhaji looking every bit like the lion-cub he was. Meanwhile, Prajakta Gaikwad embodied the role of the warrior queen with sheer grace. If you want to deep dive and get a detailed understanding of this great Maratha leader’s life, you must watch Swarajyarakshak Sambhaji on ZEE5.
Chhatrapati Sambhaji(2024)
2024 was the year for movies around Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. On February 2, 2024, director Rakesh Subesingh Dulgaj’s Marathi film, Chhatrapati Sambhaji was released. It featured Shashank Udapurkar as Shambhuraje while Mohini Potdar played Yesubai. Announced in 2014, it took over nine years to make the film. Finally, it was released across India in five languages.
Shivrayancha Chhava(2024)
For the unversed, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was also known as Shivraya by his beloved subjects. So, this film, titled Shivrayancha Chhava, truly represents Sambhaji as Shivaji’s successor, as his lion cub. Released on February 16, 2024, this Marathi film was directed by Digpal Lanjekar. It features Bhushan Patil in the lead role as Sambhaji Maharaj while Trupti Toradmal plays the role of his wife, Maharani Yesubai.
Dharmarakshak Mahaveer Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj: Chapter 1(2024)
Ending the year on another high note, came this film presenting the first chapter of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj’s story. Directed by Tushar Shelar, this Marathi film was released on November 22, 2024. Led by Thakur Anoop Singh as the ferocious warrior, the film featured the talented Marathi actress Amruta Khanvilkar in the role of Maharani Yesubai. The film got quite a lot of praise for its portrayal of the legendary leader’s life.
Now, releasing on Valentine’s Day, i.e. February 14, 2025, is the story of a man’s love for his country, for his Hindavi Swarajya. Directed by Laxman Utekar, this Hindi film features Vicky Kaushal as the Chhaava of the Maratha clan, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. Meanwhile, Pushpa 2 actress, Rashmika Mandanna, plays the role of his beloved wife and warrior queen, Maharani Yesubai Bhonsale. The film also features Akshaye Khanna as the ruthless Mughal ruler, Aurangzeb.
Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj was a true successor to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He fulfilled his duties to his land and led the Marathas fearlessly. And thus, every movie or TV show about his legendary life is truly inspiring for anyone who watches it. Whether you like history movies or action movies, historical period dramas around Sambhaji will never disappoint you. So, as you wait for Vicky Kaushal’s Chhaava to hit the theatres, watch Swarajyarakshak Sambhaji on ZEE5, or any other movie on Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj online to get into the spirit of the film!