In the recent Kumkum Bhagya episodes, RV’s mother, Harleen, was hit by a car. Monisha tried to frame Purvi for it. However, luckily, Harleen survived and testified in Purvi’s favor. In the last episodes of this popular TV show on ZEE5, we saw Harleen confessing to Harman that her accident, in fact, was a pre-planned attack. This made RV furious who then got the goons’ sketch made and confronted Khushi. Luckily she was able to convince him of her innocence. RV then left to find the goons while Purvi went to meet Neha and Khushi had to go back home with Armaan. Without further ado, let’s get into the Kumkum Bhagya written update for January 15, 2025.
Kumkum Bhagya Episode Written Update for January 15, 2025
The episode starts with RV and Yug in their car, meeting up with a man who identifies one of the goons as Painter. He says that the other one is also usually seen with Painter. RV notices the two goons getting on a bike nearby and chases after them. Meanwhile, in Armaan’s house, he questions Khushi’s motives behind going to the Malhotra house. He asks her if she’s still hoping for RV to take her back. After some initial hesitation, Khushi finally answers back. She says that she loves Purvi like her own daughter, and RV is Purvi’s husband, she’d never even dream about getting him back into her life. Armaan gets agitated and breaks things in the house.
Purvi arrives at the police station and is shocked to know that Netra has been released. The police officer informs her that Monisha is the one who released Netra from jail. Monisha meets Netra and instructs her to take her father’s car to go to the airport. She says that my father’s men will meet you there, give you the tickets and then you must disappear to a new country. Dushyant then calls and asks if Netra has left. Once he gets confirmation from Monisha, he tells his goons to kill Netra. Meanwhile, RV, Yug, and his friend continue chasing the goons.
On her way to the Airport, Netra realizes that a car is trying to hit her. She quickly gets out of the car and runs. She hides and looks at the attacker only to realize that it’s one of Monisha’s goons. He spots her hiding and comes to attack her. Purvi grabs her wrist and takes her to safety. They hide, yet get discovered by the goon who tries to drag Netra away. Purvi attacks him with a brick and takes Netra to safety. Dushyant tells Monisha that they’ll receive news of Netra’s death soon. He says that, if they’re lucky, it’ll say that Netra committed suicide, and if they’re not, it’ll say that Netra met with an accident. Dushyant and Monisha talk about paying Painter for attacking Harleen while waiting to hear back from the goon attacking Netra.
Purvi and Netra try to outrun the goon. Netra asks Purvi to record her confession on her phone. Meanwhile, RV finally chases down the goons, beats them to a pulp, and asks them to tell him the truth. He keeps asking who sent him to attack Harleen. The goon tricks RV and runs away. At the same time, Dushyant gets a call from his goons who inform him that Netra escaped. Netra confesses to all her crimes and talks about Monisha’s involvement in this. Purvi records her statement and thanks her for it. In turn, Netra thanks Purvi for saving her life. Purvi says they still need to get her to safety.
Dushyant then asks Monisha to go to RV’s house. He says that Netra could go there and expose Monisha in front of RV and his family. He says that he has already informed Deepika to go there and keep an eye out for Netra. Monisha leaves to go to the Malhotra house. RV’s friend, who’s also a police officer, says that he knows Inspector Naveen and assures RV that they’ll nab the goons soon.
Meanwhile, Netra apologizes to Purvi for everything she did. Purvi forgives her and thanks her for confessing in the recording on the phone. Netra says that it’s the least she could do after all the harm she’s caused to RV and his family. Purvi then asks Netra to lay low for a while and only return once Monisha has been exposed. She promises to help her once she’s back in town. Netra goes to leave, but then she comes back to warn Purvi. She tells her not to confront Monisha directly as she’s good at manipulating the truth. She tells Purvi to show this video to RV, take him and his family on her side, and then confront Monisha as one.
Monisha calls Deepika panicking about Netra’s next move. Deepika asks her not to worry as Netra hasn’t come to the Malhotra mansion yet. Monisha then gets stopped by the police who show her the sketches of the two goons who caused RV’s accident and ask if she’s seen them. Monisha says no and asks what was it about. The police tell her they’ve caused an accident in front of the temple and ran away. Monisha panics and decides to inform Dushyant about this.
Meanwhile, Purvi recalls everything that has happened so far. She gets angrier thinking about all the times Monisha has manipulated the situation in her favor. Purvi then decides to expose Monisha and end this cycle.
Will Purvi be able to expose Monisha or will her manipulations win once again? To find out, watch Kumkum Bhagya online, streaming exclusively on ZEE5!