In yesterday’s Kumkum Bhagya episode, we saw Monisha getting insecure after Khushi made a shocking entry at the Oberoi House. To give you a little flashback, Khushi is RV’s first love, the woman who ruined his life by filing a fake case against him. And now that her rich husband, Arman, has turned out to be a violent man, Khushi has suddenly realized RV’s worth and wants to squeeze her way back into his life. Meanwhile, Purvi is trying everything to expose Monisha’s involvement with Netra. While she was out talking to Netra, RV apparently left for a meeting leaving her worried. Now that you’re all caught up on one of ZEE5’s most popular TV shows, let’s talk about the latest Kumkum Bhagya episode that aired tonight, i.e., January 3, 2025.
Kumkum Bhagya Episode Written Update for January 3, 2025
The episode starts with Purvi crying in her room, worrying about RV while Diya tries to pacify her. She keeps rambling about how RV doesn’t care about her or her feelings. She says that she’s probably not important enough for him and that’s why he didn’t listen to her request and went for the meeting.
Meanwhile, RV is in his car on a deserted road when he spots Khushi. He spots two shady-looking men following her and steps out of the car. He calls out to Khushi and she immediately grabs his hand. The men run away and RV abruptly drops her hand. Khushi then explains how her car broke down, forcing her to walk on the road. RV offers to drop her and the two get into the car. Khushi thinks about how RV’s presence itself makes her feel less lonely.
Back at the Oberoi mansion, Monisha informs Deepika that Purvi met Netra. Deepika asks how she knows this, and Monisha reveals that she had bribed a constable at the police station asking him to keep her updated about anything related to Netra. She tells Deepika that he just called and informed her that Netra herself called Purvi to the police station to meet her. Deepika starts panicking and Monisha scolds her for always being negative. After a small argument between the two, Deepika asks Monisha to do everything in her power to get Netra on her side instead of Purvi’s.
RV and Khushi arrive at the Oberoi mansion and Khushi spots them together. RV goes inside the house and Khushi follows him. In the kitchen, Purvi continues to get angry at RV with every passing minute. While Diya tries to calm her down, she continues to complain. RV arrives there and listens to Purvi’s blabbering. Purvi turns around to notice him and gets tongue-tied. She then complains to him about leaving for the meeting. RV then informs her that he didn’t go to the meeting because she didn’t want him to go.
RV goes to his room and spots Khushi in the hallway. She asks him about his health and he thanks Khushi for supporting his wife Purvi in her time of need. He then quickly walks away into his room and Khushi follows him. She thanks him for saving her from the creepy men earlier. When he denies saving her, Khushi then thanks him for saving Purvi from Netra’s attack. He says he’ll always save Purvi from every trouble. However, when Khushi thanks him for forgetting everything and keeping Purvi happy, RV loses his cool. He reprimands her for coming to his house and talking to him.
Meanwhile, Harleen meets Jaswant who informs her that RV didn’t go to the meeting and is back in the house. Harleen is overjoyed to hear this. Purvi then comes there with Diya carrying a cup of coffee for RV. Harleen then sends Purvi into RV’s room and asks her to tell him to come and meet her after drinking his coffee.
Back in the room, RV continues to lash out at Khushi. He calls loving her to be the biggest mistake of his life. He reminds her of all the terrible things that happened to him and his family because of Khushi. He says that he can never forget or forgive her for everything she’s done. Khushi accepts her mistake and expresses her guilt over rejecting his love and destroying his life. RV recalls his past and rejects Khushi’s apology saying that she can never forgive her.
He then goes out of the room and meets Purvi. He takes the coffee she brought for him and praises Purvi for being kind and pure-hearted. He then says that he’s blessed to have her in his life. RV walks away and then turns around to spot Khushi standing behind Purvi. He then says that there are some people he wishes were never a part of his life, that would’ve been a blessing for him. And that’s all for today’s Kumkum Bhagya written update.
To find out what happens next with RV and Purvi’s lives watch Kumkum Bhagya online only on ZEE5. You can also watch other Hindi TV shows on ZEE5 such as Bhagya Lakshmi, Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, and more!