Latest Bollywood Romantic Movies List Filled with Heartwarming Tales


Hey there! Guess what? I found some cool new Bollywood love movies! They’re so fun and make me feel all warm inside. I want to tell you about them ’cause maybe you’ll like them too!

1. Luv Ki Arrange Marriage: A Fresh Take on Modern Love

This movie is about love and arranged marriage. But it’s not boring! It’s got funny parts that make you g, “Huh?” It’s like all the crazy stuff that happens at weddings, but even more crazy!

I watched Luv Ki Arrange Mariage with my big sister, and we laughed so much! She said it reminded her of our cousin’s wedding last year. Remember when Uncle Raj fell into the cake? This Bollywood romantic movie has stuff like that, but even funnier!

Why watch? If you’ve ever been to a big wedding, you’ll laugh a lot. And who knows? Maybe you’ll get ideas for your own love story! (But don’t blame me if your parents start asking about marriage!)

2. Radhe Shyam: A Love Story with a Surprise Ending

Wow! This movie looks so pretty! Radhe Shyam is eye candy central! They packed all the pretty things in one place. The actors? Total hotties. They go on about destiny and love and all that gooey stuff.

Me and my bestie watched it together. Our eyes got glued to the screen! It seemed like a dream. One moment, we smile, and the next we frown. My friend bawled at the end. Shh! Don’t tell her I spilled the beans!

Why watch? If you like big, fancy love stories, you’ll love this. It might make you believe in magic and fate and all that stuff. Just don’t get too sad if your life isn’t as pretty as the movie!

3. Atithi Bhooto Bhava: A Ghostly Romance with a Heart

This movie is so weird, but I love it! A dude meets a ghost who turns out to be super nice. Does it sound scary? No way! Atithi Bhooto Bhava makes you laugh, it’s super cute, and it gives you happy feelings.”

I saw it with my baby bro. He wouldn’t stop asking if ghosts exist for real. I told him to watch out for the one under his bed! I told him not to worry, but now he checks under his bed every night! Oops!

Why watch? It’s different from other love stories. It’s like mixing a funny movie with a ghost story, but not scary. You might even start being nicer to people after watching it!

4. 14 Phere: A Wedding Comedy with a Heart

This movie is crazy! It’s about two weddings happening at the same time. Can you imagine? One wedding is already so much work, but two? Wow!

I saw it with my whole family, and even Grandma laughed! She always dozes off during movies, but not this one! They packed all the hilarious wedding moments into a single film. 14 Phere is a total blast!

Why watch? Indian weddings are crazy, right? This movie nails it! Your whole family will crack up. But listen up! If you plan a wedding, you should save this movie for another time!

5. Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari: A Fun Love Story with a Surprise

This movie? It’s about this guy. His job? He checks people out. Before they get hitched! Weird job, right? But Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari so funny! These actors crack me up without even trying! They’re so funny!

I sat with my dad to watch it. He shouted at the TV, “That’s not how you do it!” I bet he was thinking about when he married mom. Old people are weird! He laughed a lot, though!

Why watch? It’s smart and funny. It might make you think about love in a new way. Just don’t start investigating your crush after watching it!

These new Bollywood love movies are so cool! They make you feel happy, sad, and everything in between. Some movies look really fancy, and some make me laugh, but all of them tell love stories. I can’t pick a favorite since each one stands out in a cool way. Why not check them all out and tell me which one you think is the best? We can have a movie night and talk about them!

Oh, and guess what? My mom saw me watching these movies and now she wants to watch them too. She says it’ll help her understand “what kids these days think about love.” I told her it’s just movies, but she didn’t listen. Now she’s planning a family movie night every weekend. Help!

So, which one do you want to watch first? I’m thinking of watching Luv Ki Arrange Marriage again. It was so funny! But maybe Radhe Shyam? It was so pretty… Ah, I can’t decide! Maybe I’ll just watch them all again. Want to join me?