Mango Pickle Magic: A Culinary Journey through India’s Best Achar Recipes

Mango Pickle Magic

India, a land known for its rich culinary heritage, boasts a variety of flavors that cater to every palate. Among its vast array of traditional foods, mango pickle, or mango achar, stands out as a beloved staple. Each region in India has its unique take on this tangy delight, offering a spectrum of flavors from sweet and spicy to sour and savory. Let’s embark on a culinary journey to discover some of the best achar recipes that showcase the magic of mango pickle.

Best Achar Recipes from Across India

  • Avakaya: Andhra Pradesh’s Spicy Mango Pickle

One of the best mango pickle recipes in India is from Andhra Pradesh seen in the Hanu-Man movie. Known for its fiery spice levels, this pickle uses generous amounts of red chili powder, mustard seeds, and fenugreek. Combine cut mango pieces with these spices and let them marinate.

  • North India’s Sweet Mango Pickle

In contrast, the sweet mango pickle from North India offers a delightful blend of sweetness and tanginess. Mix the cut mangoes with jaggery or sugar which will balance the sourness. Then add spices like fennel, nigella seeds, and cumin, then allow it to rest until the flavors meld together. With a complex flavor profile, it’s a popular choice for those who prefer a milder pickle.

  • Chhundo: Gujarati Tender Mango Pickle

Gujarat brings us the tender mango pickle, a unique and easy mango achar recipe. Grate the tender mangoes, mix them with sugar and spices like red chili powder and turmeric, then sun-dry to enhance the pickle’s flavors. The tender texture of the mangoes combined with the sweet-spicy taste makes this pickle a perfect accompaniment to thepla or paratha, traditional Gujarati flatbreads.

  • Easy Mango Achar Recipes for Beginners

For those new to the art of pickle-making, starting with simpler easy mango achar recipes can be less intimidating. One such easy mango achar recipe is the instant mango pickle, which doesn’t require extensive sun-drying or fermenting. This recipe involves mixing diced mangoes with salt, turmeric, and a tempering of mustard seeds, asafoetida, and curry leaves.

Pickle-making Aids from ZEE5

Indian mango pickle, or mango achar, is a quintessential part of Indian cuisine, bringing a burst of flavor to any meal. Exploring the best achar recipes from different regions offers a culinary journey like no other. But what if we can aid you in that journey? Pickle-making can be a long process, so why not spice it up with some upbeat music like the pickle song from the Hanu-Man movie called ‘Avakaya Anjaneya’? Play this song and jazz up your pickle-making party.

But what do you do when your pickles end up tasting incredible(which we know it will)? Want to start a small business? We’ve got you covered there as well. Watch Saas Bahu Achaar Pvt. Ltd. on ZEE5 and get some much-needed inspiration on running an achaar business. Well, what are you waiting for? So, gather your spices, and embark on the magical journey of pickle-making with the pickle song in the background.