Vishwamitra is a 2019 Telugu horror thriller movie starring Nandita Raj, Prasanna, Ashutosh Rana and Sathyam Rajesh. The story revolves around Mitra, a software engineer, who frequently gets troubled by her office boss, Ashutosh Rana. Whenever Mitra gets troubled by her boss, a unknown and an invisible person comes to her rescue. Puzzled with the turn of events, Mitra seeks help from a police officer. Will they be able to together unearth the truth? Who is the invisible stranger who's helping Mitra? Is there a connection between the invisible stranger and Mitra's office boss?
Details About விஸ்வாமித்ரா Movie:
Movie Released Date | 21 Mar 2019 |
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Keypoints about Vishwamitra:
1. Total Movie Duration: 2h 4m
2. Audio Language: Telugu