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Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar

Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar

U/A 13+
Audio Languages :
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ประเภท :

Siddhartha a recovering alcoholic recounts a fascinating tale about how life gave him a second shot at redemption. By sheer chance he meets his first love, Indira, who's now a mother, one night out of nowhere. Her daughter, Mini takes up a special place in his heart. But will Indira forget his destructive past and give him another shot?

Details About Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar Movie:

Movie Released Date
20 Sep 2019
  • Drama
  • Romance
Audio Languages:
  • Bengali
  • Indira
  • Siddharta
  • Arnab
  • Mini
  • Agnivo
  • Chandrashish Ray

Keypoints about Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar:

1. Total Movie Duration: 37m

2. Audio Language: Bengali

Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar, Bengali Drama

Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar is a Bengali film with romance and a plot that satisfies the audience. This Drama film shows how everyone deserves a second chance at life; it's up to them if they want to take it.

The plot of this film revolves around Siddhartha, who is given a second chance at life after his violent and hateful past. Will he be able to take that chance, or will he go back to his past self? Chandrashish Ray directed this film, and the script of this film was written by Reetarshi Dutta, Rohan Ghose, and Soumyasree Ghosh.

Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar Cast

Bhalobashar Shohor-Arshinagar cast includes Tanushree Chakraborty as Indira, Chandan Roy Sanyal as Siddhartha, Soham Chatterjee as Arnab, Kartisha Bhattacharya as Mini, Debanjan Mitra as Agnivo, and other supporting cast members.

Bhalobashar Shohor-Arshinagar Plot

The story starts with a man named Siddhartha, an alcoholic, and this one problem in him takes everything away from him. He stopped at a local area with his car when he noticed a girl crying. He quickly checks up on her and finds out that she is looking for her mother. Her mother went a bit away from her to make a call but listening to her daughter cry, she returned. That's when we find out that Siddhartha and the child's mother, Indira, once had a past together.

When the two ex-lovers meet each other, a lot of emotions go through their hearts. Siddhartha is a divorced man working on his interior designing business, while Indira is married now with a child and living a happy life. Her daughter Mini has some language problems and goes to a school for special children.

Siddhartha quickly gets attached to the little child, forming a sweet and precious relationship. This makes Siddhartha rethink his decision and starts to change him as a person. The story revolves around his development and how he overcomes his biggest dilemmas.

Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar Movie Release Date on OTT

Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar movie release date on OTT is September 20, 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bhalobashar Shohor - Arshinagar Movie

Q1. How long is this film?

Ans. This film is 37m long.

Q2. Are their subtitles available for this film?

Ans. Yes, English subtitles are available on OTT ZEE5.

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